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Local Neurologist
Local Neurologists and cEEG Monitoring

We can hear what you're thinking from here!


Currently you (or you and your partner(s)) are responsible for reviewing all of the continuous "raw" EEG data that is generated at the hospital. Your time and capacity are stretched to the breaking point and you can not imagine adding an additional EEG monitoring service, especially one that will generate hours and gigabytes of video and digital data that will need to be reviewed.  If the goal is to provide real-time assessment of dynamic information to hospital staff about brain function that allows early detection of changes in neurologic status - how is that possible?

90% of Seizures in the ICU are Non-convulsive and can only be detected at the bedside with cEEG. [1]

CortiCare will make the job of reading and intrepretating continuous EEG easier and more efficient.

You can still be there - even when you are out of the room.  



CortiCare provides you simple, effective remote viewing to see your patient data in real-time - anytime.

The Answer can't do it alone.


You can not do it without additional resources.  At a minimum your will need R.EEG Technicians staffed around the clock to alert you of changes in the patieint's status.   If the registered technologists are not watching the data in real-time they must at least be watching every few hours so non-convulsive and non-clinical seizures do not go undetected and untreated for several hours.  You need a trained EEG technician that has experience separating artifact from cerebral evant and eletro-magnetic interference from a patient shivering.  You need someone that can mark the pertinent events so when you log-on to the patient session your review time is maximized and your patients, as well as your colleagues, get timely neurocritical care information and intrepretation.


Once you have confidence in the experience health professional monitoring your patients an added benefit is t he use of communication software to evaluate the remarkable event at the patient bedside remotely from an Internet connected device.  This technology increases your expertise exponentially and allows you to be there even when you are out of the room.


Finally, there will be times when you need additional neurophysiology support. Times when a colleague that knows your hospital system, your perferred practices, and the way you would like to get things accomplished.  A technologist that can remotely monitor your patients at 3:00 a.m. and colleague neurophysiologist provided by CortiCare that can check on your patient and write the report or take that stat EEG required by critical care while you are away or handling other important clinical matters.


We hear what you are thinking and we are here to help.


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